As a first year astronomy graduate student at Columbia University, I used HST observations of low-galactic-latitude QSOs and simulation results (e.g. TNG-50 and FIRE) to better constrain the structure of the the Milky Way Circumgalactic Medium (CGM). As shown on the right, understanding the complex role of inflows, outflows, and the recycling of gas (both in the Local Group and high-redshift Universe) is essential for our current models of galaxy evolution. Tumlinson et al. 2017 is a fantastic review article on this subject.
For the past four years I have been researching the M81 Group under Eric Bell with data from the Subaru Telescope Hyper Suprime-Cam. I am interested in how M81, M82, NGC-3077, and the various other tidal features have been interacting for the past ~300 million years. I am specifically interested in the one-to-one age-luminosity relation of helium-burning stars on the color-magnitude diagram that can be used as chronometers to peer into the past interaction history of the M81 Group. I am currently submitting a first author paper (link) to MNRAS related to this work. Check out my research featured on astrobites here!
I have also participated in an REU through the University of Copenhagen this summer with Dr. Steven Gillman using integral field spectroscopy observations of high-redshift star-forming galaxies. I analyzed the starburst-driven gas outflows of these z ~ 1.5 galaxies from KMOS. Feel free to learn more about the program and my experience here.
I am also a Space Engineering minor at the University of Michigan and have taken courses on spacecraft instrumentation and satellite mission design. For the past several months, I have been working with Professor Mark Moldwin in the Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering on using ground-based magnetometers (SuperMAG) and solar wind data from OMNI to better understand the ground response to solar wind positive/negative dynamic pressure pulses (DDPs). A recent paper similar to my research can be found here if you are interested.

M81 Group interaction numerical simulation (Yun 1999).